learning through encouragement and positive feedback

We are Dynamic Learning
Located in Geneva
DynamicLearning is an oasis of British education in a francophone culture. Established in 2007, we have over 15 years of proven track record. Dynamic Learning is an independent school offering a supplementary English education for anglophones who live in Geneva. The majority of our pupils speak English at home but are educated in French, in the local Swiss system.
We take children in Preschool from 3 to 4 years of age. The Primary School accepts children, throughout the year, from 5 to 12 years of age (the year they finish 8P).
Our fun, dynamic ways of teaching makes learning memorable and enjoyable. It rests on a solid core curriculum with key learning standards and principles set by the British Government which are measured throughout the years for reading and writing ages.
Our goal is to meet, or exceed, our pupil’s ability in reading and writing. We are proud to achieve a level of reading and writing which are at the expected age or above reading age level. Dynamic Learning is unique in Geneva because we are the only independent school to track our pupil’s progress annually.
Using UK assessments, we test and analyse children’s ability in reading and spelling using Non-Verbal testing as a bench mark. Regular feedback is offered to parents through after-class face to face discussions, email contact, teacher meetings and parents’ evenings, as well as annual reports, to ensure that parents are involved to the level they want to be.